Although cats and dogs are the most popular pets in our homes nowadays, the attitude that we treat them is in two different ways. There are so many people think that cats are very arrogant and cold-blooded animals. Compare with dogs, it seems that cats are brooding and aloof. However, this is just a misunderstanding that dogs and cats are different kinds of animals which have different habitual behaviors that’s all.
For a very long time, people who have dogs are training them all the time; on the other hand, people who have cats are acting in completely opposite way that to let their cats slide. Because most people think that cats are not the type of obeying pets. On the contrary, cats are just like dogs that can be trained. The first thing you should do is to find out their characters and preferences. Let cats figure out when they are doing some particular movements can have treats afterwards, they may willing to do that again. For example, when you are calling your kitten to come over, you give it food, treats, toy or affection. Next time when you call your kitten, it may come over willingly.
In addition, the differences between training a cat and a dog is that most of cats are troublemakers based on they are boring and they have nothing to do but scratching and biting things a lot. Owners usually do nothing about it. And the worst scenario is that instead of punishing them when they are doing something wrong, owners smile at them because they are cute kittens. And the older they grew, the more bad habits and damages they are going to make.
Owner might punish them now cause they are not kitten anymore. They can’t understand why they were fine doing the same thing when they were younger, but not okay right now. Therefore, education plays an important key when you are trying to build up a good relationship with you and your cats. So when they do something right, remember to encourage them; however, when they do something wrong, don’t forget to do some proper punishment. Otherwise, cats may think it’s funny to piss you off and keep doing the things that they shouldn’t do.
All in all, the earlier to set up the good standard to your cats, the better chance to have a good relationship between you and them.