Many people commonly complain with cries of My Cat Won’t Eat. There are people out there that would make light of their cats having eating habits that are finicky, but if you’re cat is disinterested in eating, there could be a serious underlying issue. Many different pets may refuse to eat from time to time, but with cats it is actually a more dangerous situation.
If your furry friend is not eating and you want to scream “My Cat Won’t Eat“, it more than likely indicates that there is an illness involved. When an animal stops eating they have to rely their energy on fat reserves. Before their fat can be used to fuel their energy though, the liver has to process that fat, which requires the right amount of protein supplies. Lack of eating will exhaust these protein supplies and the liver will become overwhelmed with all the fat. The results of this will lead to a condition that is referred to as Hepatic Lipidosis, which in turn will cause failure of the liver.
Illness is the primary reason why a cat will stop eating. There are a few different reasons as to why they have stopped, including kidney failure, infections, intestinal problems, cancer, and pancreatitis. Illness may be the scariest reason why your little buddy has stopped eating, but it could be something less threatening. Sometimes enduring a toothache is enough to stop a cat from eating, just as it would a human.
Has your feline recently has a vaccination? This is another reason why cats will stop feeding themselves. Vaccines will save your kitty’s life, but more often than not they have side effects that include a loss of appetite. It is the most common adverse effect, but fortunately it is usually mild and temporary.
As with humans, unfamiliar surroundings and travelling sometimes have an effect on a cat’s appetite. Cats are definitely a creature of habit, and a change in their routine can turn them around so they stop eating until they can rationalize what is going on. The act of travelling, in particular, can cause motion sickness in your feline. Whether it is by plane or car, your cat is prone to the feelings of nausea which will lead it to stop eating.
Lastly, your cat may have developed psychological issues due to household disturbances. An addition to the household of another pet (puppy or addition cat) will sometimes effect a cat’s well-being, as cats are known to be territorial at times. A change in their diet can also effect their attitude towards eating. It may take longer than expected for your cat to develop their taste and adjust to different brands of cat food.
The best thing you can do, as a cat owner, is keep an eye on your cat’s eating habits. Should any abnormalities develop, contact your veterinarian promptly so that you can keep your cat happy and healthy!