Feline Infectious Peritonitis, or FIP in Cats, is a fatal disease that is incurable for cats. Believed to be cause by what is a benign Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus, white blood cells in the cat are invaded and the cat’s immune system has an inflammatory reaction in it’s tissues. Generally, FIP in cats disease is fatal. There is … Read More about FIP in Cats
Distemper in Cats
Feline Distemper, also known as Cat Plague or Distemper in Cats, is caused by the Feline Panleukopenia Virus, a viral infection that affects both wild felines and domesticated cats. It is highly contagious and most likely fatal to any affected feline. Panleukopenia is spread primarily with contact from an infected animal’s feces, bodily fluids, and also … Read More about Distemper in Cats
Cat Life Expectancy
When dealing with cat life expectancy, there are several factors involved in how long you can expect your pet cat to live. The primary care that you behold onto your cat plays a major role in how long its life will be. There is a life expectancy difference between indoor and outdoor cats. The quality … Read More about Cat Life Expectancy
Feline Leukemia Symptoms
If you are wondering if your cat has leukemia, then you need to become educated on what it is and what Feline Leukemia symptoms to look out for. Feline Leukemia is a virus that pertains specifically to cats. Since the diseases is contagious, and passed between cats primarily by close contact with each other, Feline Leukemia symptoms can be … Read More about Feline Leukemia Symptoms
Symptoms of Feline Leukemia
Feline Leukemia is a cancer in cats that the Feline Leukemia Virus causes. It damages the immune system of your cat, but also makes your cat vulnerable to a variety of immunodeficiency problems, diseases, and other cancers. The problem with Feline Leukemia is that it sometimes takes a long time to show that your cat … Read More about Symptoms of Feline Leukemia
My Cat Won’t Eat
Many people commonly complain with cries of My Cat Won’t Eat. There are people out there that would make light of their cats having eating habits that are finicky, but if you’re cat is disinterested in eating, there could be a serious underlying issue. Many different pets may refuse to eat from time to time, but … Read More about My Cat Won’t Eat
Feline Leukemia
If you have cats, you probably familiar with Feline Leukemia. It is also known as Feline Leukemia Virus Infection which is transferred from one cat to another. Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is a kind of lethal disease which relates to leukemia or a series tumors. If the cat gets the feline leukemia infection, the symptoms will show up in the cells, … Read More about Feline Leukemia
Cat Training
Although cats and dogs are the most popular pets in our homes nowadays, the attitude that we treat them is in two different ways. There are so many people think that cats are very arrogant and cold-blooded animals. Compare with dogs, it seems that cats are brooding and aloof. However, this is just a misunderstanding … Read More about Cat Training